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Monday, June 28, 2010

Just the Three of Us

I think we're weird, me, my sister and my brother.
I think we grew up a little weird.
We're pretty close and we've always found that managing our family (meaning our Mom and Dad--now just our Mom) requires a team effort.  If one of us tries to do it alone, we are doomed to failure...kinda dramatic sounding but true.
In honor of my distant but ever present sibs, I have these pictures of us through the years.  We always seemed to be together, even when we weren't.
We have been fortunate to find lifelong partners who are friends, too and we are so grateful.  But when it comes to working through the issues of our aging mother (who is totally in denial), we are so glad to have each other.  It really is a team effort.  Yay team!