I left the islands in 1951 to go to college and did not return for 25 years, at my mother's death. There was virtually not that much communication except for an occasional letter from grandma or Ethel or Leo. They all helped with finances and wardrobe etc, so it was imperative for me to return their favors when we did come back. It was also pay back time when Auntie Ethel got sick and Charta needed help with her. We got along with each other. Ethel and Leo and Wini and I always had a good relationship from the time I was a little girl. Your mom looked upon me as the pesky little sister who use to spy on her while she and your dad made out in the car parked outside the Hillcrest house.
She was also popular with the Kam School guys who use to scream in unison Margaret ---- as they passed the house. That use to infuriate grandma. Her first beau was a kid from Kam School. His name was Charles Willingham, he was redheaded and did not look like he belonged in Kam School. No sign of being hawaiian. You should ask her if you want to get her goat. I thought he looked DORKY! It was fun to tease her when she was a teenager and I was a brat, she didn't have a sense of humor, just like now. Tht is why I love to upset her even to this very day.